Easy Chocolate Cookies with Peanut Butter Filling

I’ve been a bit absent since Valentine’s day, but I have a good excuse and yes there are a few good excuses still left in this world.. But…. I can’t really tell you why, not yet anyways, but soon. So to ease you to a more forgiving state of mind I made these and youContinue reading “Easy Chocolate Cookies with Peanut Butter Filling”

DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Cupcake in a Jar

Let me just start out by stating that this is not an original idea on my part. I have seen versions of this all over the internet, but am unsure of who came up with it originally. But since it’s such a cute, easy idea….and one that can be tailored to any occasion, theme or holiday. IContinue reading “DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Cupcake in a Jar”

DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Home Made Butter Crunch

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought I would share some easy DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Valentine’s Day gifts. This will be the first in a series of Holiday Inspired DIY gift ideas Nothing is more special than a gift made with love from the kitchen……unless that is you have diamonds, or a new car, preferablyContinue reading “DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Home Made Butter Crunch”